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Looking to increase your pitching velocity?

In the game of baseball, pitching velocity is something that is sought after more than anything else. As a former collegiate pitcher and someone who still throws regularly, training for velocity is something that I have done for many years. Early on, I believed it was all about hitting a certain number on a strength movement to increase my velocity. I soon learned it takes a more holistic approach to see velocity increase. Strength, power, mobility, and size all play a role in pitching velocity, but at the end of the day, efficient movement patterns are key. Achieving these efficient patterns is what produces elite level velocities. Many pitchers can agree on the difficulty of achieving these patterns on their own. That is why having a coach to help you through the process is the best way to get results. 

Adam Jeannette 94mph

Adam Jeannette 94mph

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Adam Jeannette 94mph.

Adam Jeannette 94mph.

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With Jeannette Performance, remote pitchers receive a strength training program tailored to their needs, along with a throwing plan designed to improve mechanical inefficiencies. The strength program uses the same principles that have been successful with many high school and collegiate pitchers I have worked with. Included with this program is a mobility plan to aid in achieving positions specific to maximizing throwing velocity. Athletes also have 24/7 contact with Adam to go over any videos or questions along the way. If you are looking for a proven approach to gaining velocity, you have come to the right place. 

Price- $100/month
Apply to Train Remotely (Pitcher)

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